What does Moduline build?
Moduline provides a wide variety of factory-built solutions, from single-family and multi-family homes, to commercial buildings. Our products are distributed through a large and ever growing network of retailers, builders and developers. As a result, you’ll find Moduline-built structures in every neighbourhood – from rural to urban and everything in between.
How long does it take to build a home?
Two of the many advantages for choosing manufactured housing components are speed and consistent quality. On the average, the homes can be produced and delivered within 6-10 weeks. Erection and on-site completion will vary, but can be as little as 4 weeks.
Can I custom design my new home?
YES. Every homeowner has their own individual preferences and Moduline can accommodate these as long as our engineering department says we can build them!

What is the cost?
When you add up all the labour, material and time saving inherent in the factory-built building process, you will find that the cost to build a manufactured or modular home is generally lower than a site-built home of comparable size.